
Volunteer Spotlight: PRS CrisisLink Volunteers

  • Posted on: 31 July 2017
  • By: editor

Last year 44,000 people died by suicide, making it our nation’s 10th leading cause of death. Furthermore, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in youth ages 10-24.

In honor of Suicide Awareness Month this September, a volunteer from local nonprofit, PRS, shares her testimony of volunteering on their CrisisLink hotline:  

Matchmaker, Matchmaker!

  • Posted on: 31 July 2017
  • By: editor

By Lisa Fikes, Director of Volunteer Arlington

“Matching” is everywhere! Whether singing the infamous song from “Fiddler on the Roof”, logging into “”, or driving your kids to the daily soccer match, we hear this word a lot in our culture. It is interesting to me that in the references just mentioned, the word can be used to suggest either connection or competition.

Volunteer Spotlight: Sofia

  • Posted on: 20 June 2017
  • By: editor

The McLean-Arlington-Falls Church Shepherd's Center 2016 Volunteer of the Year is Sofia Rontaler. Sofia has a passion for helping senior citizens and she has devoted hundreds of hours over the past year to helping them through the Shepherd's Center ride program. She started volunteering to provide rides to doctor's appointments with the Shepherd's Center about 2 ½ years ago.  She also helps the riders she's met through the Shepherd's Center in informal ways by taking them on necessary errands or even to a movie, concert or out for coffee or a walk.

Arlington Cares!

  • Posted on: 20 June 2017
  • By: editor

Arlington Cares!

By Lisa Fikes

Director of Volunteer Arlington

When saying goodbye each morning, my 6 year old daughter and I have gotten in the habit of making the shape of a heart with both of our hands. It is an outward sign of an inward feeling. We care for each other. We love each other.  And, even though we might not be seeing each other for a short time, this action reminds us of what we value - each

Lunch and Learn: Conversation Groups

  • Posted on: 26 May 2017
  • By: cculp

Volunteer Arlington hosted its quarterly Lunch & Learn Session on May 18, 2017. The topic for the session was "Conversation Groups." The group ate their bagged lunches while hearing from Lisa Fikes, Director of Volunteer Arlington, about important upcoming dates and information. They then split into two groups led by Reverend Andrew Marrow, Rector at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Arlington, and Stephanie Berman, Director of Program Operations at The Reading Connection.

Open House for Faith Communities and Nonprofit and County Partners

  • Posted on: 25 May 2017
  • By: cculp


Volunteer Arlington hosted its first Open House for Faith Communities and Nonprofit and County Partners on May 8, 2017!

There were 45 nonprofit and county organizations present along with about 50 members of faith communities and the larger Arlington community!

Community members, faith leaders, and partners connected and engaged for an hour at Arlington Central Library. 

Here are a few snapshots from the event:
