Arlington Cares: Event Recap
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By Lisa Fikes, Director of Volunteer Arlington
On Tuesday, July 25, 2017, more than 200 Arlingtonians came together to celebrate the spirit of volunteerism!
The event began with a buffet dinner provided by Upper Crust and Sweet Leaf Café, our Hospitality Sponsors! During the dinner, over 40 of our nonprofit and county partners were available for a Volunteer Fair where they had an opportunity to share their mission as well as upcoming volunteer opportunities.
The program included a recognition of volunteers who have served over 100 hours for one of our partner organizations. In addition, specific awards were given in the following categories:
Lifetime of Service Award
This award recognizes and celebrates an individual for whom volunteerism and service to others is a part of the fabric of their being. Whether through their organized volunteer work or through their pattern of consistently thinking of and acting on other needs before their own, this person’s life is an example of a life lived for their community.
2017 Recipient: Andrew Lee
Distinguished County Service Award
Given to an individual or group who, through volunteerism, have shown outstanding commitment and care to the citizens of Arlington.
2017 Recipients: Sara Santner and PRS CrisisLInk
Distinguished Corporate Service Award
Given to a private, Arlington business or corporation, or an employee volunteer group therof, that through volunteerism, has shown outstanding commitment and care to the citizens of Arlington.
2017 Recipient: Bloomberg, BNA
Youth Volunteer Service Award (18 or Under)
Given to a youth who has chosen to go above and beyond service hour requirements. This award celebrates initiative, finding a passionate cause, and creating a way to make a significant impact in the lives of those other than oneself.
2017 Recipient: Molly Byrne
RSVP Award
Representing the efforts of the RSVP Northern Virginia program, which works with volunteers ages 55 and older, this individual is 55 or over and has used their skills and interests to make a valuable, lasting impact in our community.
2017 Recipient: Betty Ahern
Many thanks to our Visionary Partners, Marymount University and The Shooshan Company for their continual support of volunteerism!
Mark your calendars for next year’s “Arlington Cares” – Tuesday, July 24, 2017, 5:30-7:30 p.m.!