Are you a business that cares about making a difference in the community? Volunteer Arlington can help
1. Use our FREE Website to Learn and Connect
The Volunteer Arlington website is a free tool that businesses and individuals can utilize to learn more about area nonprofits and to browse volunteer opportunities, both immediate and long term. Create an account to stay up to date on volunteer opportunities that fit your interests.
2. Attend Volunteer Arlington's FREE Events
Volunteer Arlington hosts signature events throughout the year, kicking off with the MLK Day of Service. All of our events are free and open to the community. We encourage you to join us.
3. Become an Annual Corporate Sponsor
Volunteer Arlington hosts events and programs throughout the year that provide its corporate sponsors with exposure to different audiences. Sponsorship levels begin at $500. To learn how your company can become an Annual Corporate Sponsor, please contact
4. Create a Custom Volunteer Project
These tailored volunteer experiences incorporate the values and specific skills of your particular workforce. Volunteer Arlington will work with your company to plan and create a meaningful service project for your employees. This option allows you to be a part of naming the project's vision without sweating over the details of logistics and implementation. Please contact us at for more information.